Political movemenst before Indian National Congress ( UPSC, PCS etc.)
"Indian National Congress was the culmination of other political movements in India." Explain (200 Words)
Introduction- Some background of political movements before
With examples, explain
some political movements before the establishment of INC
How these political movements led to the establishments of
Though the Indian National Congress (INC) turned
out to be the most influential political organization after 1885, yet there were
many other political movements before that which paved the way for a pan Indian
movement in the form of INC.

Political movements before 1885:-
Bengal Landholder's Society,1838:- It was the first political organization which
introduced organized efforts and constitutional remedies for complaints. Its
main purpose was to secure the interests of landlords. Other
aims were-(1) securing a halt to the resumption of rent-free tenures (2)the
grant of lease of wasteland to their occupants. Though Landholders' Society failed in areas, where
the Permanent Settlement was not implemented. ( except Bengal
The Bengal
British India Society:-It was
founded in 1843 and the main object was to
collect and disseminate the information relating to the actual condition of the
people of British India and to secure the welfare, extend the just rights and
advance the interests of all classes of our fellow-subjects”
Bombay Presidency Association- Started by Firoz
Shah Mehta in 1885 later merged in Indian National Congress.
Poona Sarvajanik Sabha:- It was founded in 1867 by Mahadeo Govind Ranade and others. The main objective of this was to serve as a bridge
between the Government on the one hand and the people on the other.
There were few other political organizations in Madras as well such as Madras Mahajan Sabha, The East Indian
Association etc. The sole objective of these was to work in the direction
of the welfare of Indian Citizens.
All above-mentioned organizations were regional in their character and
area of influence. Hence they witnessed limited successes only. In 1885, many leaders
from all over India came together and formed a new Pan Indian Party known as
Indian National Congress with the pioneer efforts of A.O. Hume. The main
objectives of INC in initial years were (1) To
eradicate all the prevailing caste, creed, race or province related prejudices
from the country.(2)To strengthen the feelings of National unity (3) To formulate guidelines for future plan of action in
the public interest.
As can be seen that the objective of these
movements was to take steps for the welfare of Indian citizens in constitutional
manners only. INC was a wider representation of all other regional movements to
serve the larger interest. Hence, it is also called the Culmination of other
political movements in India
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