Everything about CoronaVirus- Why China is a breeding Ground for Zoonotic diseases?

What is CoronaVirus?
Coronavirus is a family of viruses that causes various types of illness, such as mild cough and cold to more severe diseases.
For example - MERS, SARS and now Novel(New) Coronavirus.
Coronavirus is of Zoonotic origin. Zoonotic diseases are those diseases that are transmitted from ANIMALS to HUMANS. For instance- SARS-CoV was transmitted from civet cats to humans and MERS-CoV from dromedary camels to humans.
Some other zoonotic diseases:- Justinian Plague (541-542 AD), Black Death(started in Europe in 1347), HIV AIDS and Ebola ( form Chimpanzees to Humans )
And now New CoronaVirus. It is also transmitted from Animals to Humans.
Why China is a breeding ground?
As we all know, these all are of zoonotic nature. It means that the probability of infection and transmitting virus is high in those regions where there is close proximity between animals and humans.
This proximity is of such nature that a huge quantity of animal blood and organs are in direct contact with humans. In markets where Wild food is available on large scale and conditions are less hygienic. In Wuhan city of China, such markets are very popular and highly unregulated.
love of Chinese people for exotic animals is not hidden. Because of many reasons, food habits in China are such that almost every type of animal is consumed there. In large cities, huge wild food markets can be found where different type of meat(rats, snakes, bats, etc.) is sold in proximity to vegetables. This kind of situation creates the best recipe for the transmission of zoonotic viruses, and that is exactly what happens in China. And this is the reason why many animal originated infectious diseases are more frequent in China than in other parts of the world.
Once the Virus is transmitted from animals to humans, it gets a host. Humans are very good hosts and welcome the virus and provide it an opportunity to grow and infect. It can further transmit from one human to another either by direct contact or close proximity.
Symptoms of Coronavirus and remedy:-
- The symptoms include- Runny Nose, Coughing, Sore throat ad sometimes fever
- As of now, there is no vaccine for the defence of Coronavirus. What people need to do is be careful.
- In India, 3-5 cases are reported in people who came back from the Chinese Wuhan city. What you need to do is to take some precautionary steps such as- wash hands, Wear marks, Avoid crowded areas, etc.
Others topics of importance:-
1. https://www.who.int/health-topics/coronavirus
2. https://www.webmd.com/lung/coronavirus#1
3. https://indianexpress.com/article/explained/this-word-means-coronavirus-6210554/
3. https://indianexpress.com/article/explained/this-word-means-coronavirus-6210554/
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