
Showing posts from January, 2020

Everything about CoronaVirus- Why China is a breeding Ground for Zoonotic diseases?

  What is CoronaVirus?                        Coronavirus is a family of viruses that causes various types of illness, such as mild cough and cold to more severe diseases.  For example - MERS, SARS and now Novel(New) Coronavirus. Coronavirus is of Zoonotic origin. Zoonotic diseases are those diseases that are transmitted from ANIMALS to HUMANS . For instance- SARS-CoV was transmitted from civet cats to humans and MERS-CoV from dromedary camels to humans. Some other zoonotic diseases:- Justinian Plague (541-542 AD), Black Death (started in Europe in 1347), HIV AIDS and Ebola ( form Chimpanzees to Humans )  And now New CoronaVirus. It is also transmitted from Animals to Humans.  Why China is a breeding ground? As we all know, these all are of zoonotic nature. It means that the probability of infection and transmitting virus is high in those...

What are Pyrocumulonimbus Clouds and its impact in Australian Bushfire. ( UPSC, PCS exams)

What is the meaning of Pyrocumunolimbus  Clouds?                   It is made up of two words, PYRE and CUMULONIMBUS. Pyre is a heap of Combustible material, generally used to burn the corpses. It is a system that contains the fire. Cumulonimbus clouds are very dense, Anvil shaped and towered vertical clouds.                            From these two words, we can conclude that pyrocumulonimbus clouds are those cumulonimbus clouds that contain the fire. Its symbol is "pyroCb" Sounds interesting yeah? Let me show you a picture- Don’t you think it looks like a cumulonimbus cloud?                      Yes, it is a cloud but not a cumulonimbus cloud. It is a Mushroom cloud . This is a cloud f...

Demographic Dividend-What it is? How India can use Demographic Dividend? Challenges and Solution ( UPSC, PCS)

Q. How can India use its demographic dividend for its development and also examine the challenges involved? (200 words) Answer-                               Definition of Demographic Dividend:-                                                            It refers to the growth in an economy that is the resultant effect of a change in the age structure of a country’s population. The change in age structure is typically brought on by a the decline in fertility and mortality rates.         Demographic dividend and India  ...

Food Security- What it is? Problems and Government Measures

What do you understand by food security? What are the problems associated with food security? Briefly discuss the government’s different initiatives for providing food security. Approach : Define food security in an introductory part.  HIghlight problems associated with food security.  Discuss the government’s different initiatives for providing food security. Answer :                            According to the FAO:- "Food security is a situation that exists when all people, at all times have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and a nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life”. (World Food Summit, 1996) Problems:- (1) There has been a gradual shift from the cultivation of food crops to the cultivation of fruits, vegetables, oilseeds, and crops whi...

Political movemenst before Indian National Congress ( UPSC, PCS etc.)

"Indian National Congress was the culmination of other political  movements in India." Explain (200 Words ) Structure:- 1.      Introduction- Some background of political movements before INC 2.       With examples, explain some political movements before the establishment of INC 3.     How these political movements led to the establishments of INC Answer :- Though the Indian National Congress (INC) turned out to be the most influential political organization after 1885, yet there were many other political movements before that which paved the way for a pan Indian movement in the form of INC. Political movements before 1885:- 1.      Bengal Landholder's Society, 1838:- It was the first political organization which introduced organized efforts and constitutional remedies for complaints. Its main purpose was to secure the interests of landlords.  Other aims were-(1) sec...

Coriolis force and its impact- UPSC preparation for geography

What do you understand by Coriolis force? Explain the significance of Coriolis force to Earth and some of the atmospheric wind phenomenon. (150 words) Structure:- 1.      Introduction-Define Coriolis Force 2.     Significance of effects of the Coriolis force. 3.     Examples of atmospheric phenomenon where Coriolis force plays a role. Answer:- Coriolis force is an apparent force. Under which Objects moving over the earth's surface across a substantial distance appear to be deflected towards the right in the northern hemisphere and towards the left in the Southern Hemisphere. This is said to be due to the Coriolis force which is considered to be the cause of these deflections. It must be noted that in reality (if seen from the outside the rotating earth), there is no deflection at all and hence no deflecting force in reality. Because of the rotation of the earth along its axis, the winds are deflected. The f...

contributions of Raja Ram Mohan Roy towards the Socio-religious reforms of the 19th century India.

Raja Ram Mohan Roy is considered to be the Father of Indian renaissance who tried to apply reason and selective western ideas to Indian society. He was of the firm belief that Indian society needs to come out of a narrow mindset and adopt modern ideas in changing time. With this view, he started a social movement called Brahmo Samaj. Contribution of Raja Ram Mohan Roy:-            1. He stressed the   oneness of God   and Love towards all human beings. 2. He read the Vedas and Upanishads in Sanskrit and translated them into Bengali. His theological treatises show his depth in Koran, Bible as well as in the commentaries of Sankara. 3. He wrote on Indian religions, the Indian economy and Indian education to educate and involve the people in the reform movements. 4. Rammohan stood against   idol worship , beliefs in many Gods and Goddesses, meaningless ceremonies and unnecessary rituals. He Vehemently criticized the Hindu orthodox practic...