Modern India part-1
The English East India Company
The English East India Company was
established on 31 December 1600 as per the Royal Charter issued by the Queen of
England, Elizabeth I.
The Company had sent Captain Hawkins
to the court of the Mughal Emperor, Jahangir in 1608 to secure
permission to establish a “factory” (store house of goods) at Surat
It was turned down initially
However, in 1613, Jahangir issued the
firman permitting the East India Company
to establish its first trading post at Surat.
Accordingly, the English set up
business centres at Agra, Ahmedabad and Broach
In 1639, Francis Day established the city of Madras and constructed the Fort St. George.
On the west coast, the Company obtained
Bombay on lease from their King, Charles II for
a rent of 10 pounds per annum in 1668.
By the year 1690, Job Charnock, the
agent of the East India Company purchased three villages namely, Sutanuti,
Govindpur and Kalikatta, which, in course of time, grew into the
city of Calcutta.
After the Battle of Plassey in 1757and the Battle of Buxar in
1764, the Company became a political power.
India was under the East India Company’s rule till 1858 when it came under the direct administration of the
British Crown.
Robert Clive was the first Governor of Fort
William under
the Company’s rule.
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In 1772, the Company appointed Warren Hastings as the Governor of Fort
Reforms of Warren Hastings
of the Dual System
The East India Company decided
to act as Diwan and to undertake the collection of revenue by its own agents.
Hence, the Dual System introduced by Robert Clive was
Warren Hastings reduced the Nawab’s
allowance of 32 lakhs of rupees to
half that amount
He also stopped the annual payment of 26 lakhs given to the Mughal Emperor
A Board of Revenue was established at Calcutta to supervise the collection of revenue.
English Collectors were appointed in each
The treasury was removed from
Murshidabad to Calcutta and an Accountant General was appointed
Calcutta thus became the capital of Bengal in
1772and shortly after of British India
The Board of Revenue farmed out
the lands by auction for a period of five years instead of one year in order to
find out their real value.
Yet, the system was a failure.
Many zamindars defaulted and the arrears of revenue accumulated.
of the Judicial System
The judicial system at the time of Warren Hastings’ ascendancy was a store-house of
The Nawab who was hitherto the chief administrator of justice, misused his powers.
The zamindars who acted as judges at lower levels within their own areas were highly corrupt and prejudiced
Each district was provided with a civil court Under
the Collector A criminal court
under an Indian Judge
To hear appeals from the
district courts two appellate courts, one for civil cases and another for
criminal cases, were established at Calcutta
The highest civil court of appeal was called Sadar
Diwani Adalat,
Which was to be presided over by the
Governor and two judges recruited
from among the members of his council.
Similarly, the highest appellate
criminal court was known as Sadar Nizamat Adalat
Which was to function under an
Indian judge appointed by the Governor-in-Council
Experts in Hindu and Muslim
laws were provided to assist the judges.
An English translation of it –
Code of Hindu Laws – was prepared by Halhed.
Regulations and other Reforms
Warren Hastings abolished the system
of dastaks, or free passes and
regulated the internal trade.
He reduced the number of custom houses and enforced a uniform tariff of 2.5 percent
for Indian and non-Indian goods
He reduced the number of custom
houses and enforced a uniform tariff of 2.5 percent for Indian and non-Indian
Weavers were given better treatment and facilities were made
to improve their condition.
He also introduced a uniform system of pre-paid
postage system.
A bank was started in Calcutta.
The Regulating Act of 1773 (Background)
The Regulating Act of 1773
opened a new chapter in the constitutional history of the Company.
Previously, the Home government
in England consisted of the Court of Directors and the Court of Proprietors.
The Court of Directors were elected annually and
practically managed the affairs of
the Company
4. In India, each of the three presidencies was independent and
responsible only to the Home Government.
The government of the
presidency was conducted by a Governor and a Council
The following conditions invited the Parliamentary
intervention in the Company’s affairs.
The English East India Company became a territorial
power when it acquired a wide
dominion in India and also the Diwani rights.
The disastrous famine which
broke out in Bengal in 1770 affected the agriculturists. As a result, the
revenue collection was poor
In short, the Company was on
the brink of bankruptcy. In 1773, the Company approached the British government
for an immediate loan.
Under these circumstances that
the Parliament of England resolved to regulate the affairs of the Company.
Lord North, the Prime Minister of England,
appointed a select committee to inquire into the affairs of the Company.
The report submitted by the
Committee paved the way for the enactment of the Regulating Act.
Provisions of the Act
The term of office of the members of the Court of
Directors was extended from one year to
four years. One-fourth of them were to retire every year and the
retiring Directors were not eligible for re-election.
The Governor of Bengal was styled the
Governor-General of Fort William whose
tenure of office was for a period of five years.
The Governor-General in Council was made supreme over the other Presidencies in matters of war and
Provision was made in the Act
for the establishment
of a Supreme Court at Calcutta consisting
of a Chief Justice and three junior judges. It was to be independent of the
Governor-general in Council.
In 1774, the Supreme Court was established by a
Royal Charter
This Act prevented the servants
of the Company including the Governor-General, members of his council and the
judges of the Supreme Court from receiving directly or indirectly any gifts in
kind or cash.
The significance of the
Regulating Act is that it brought the affairs of the Company under the control
of the Parliament.
8. The greatest merit of this Act is that it put an end to the arbitrary rule of the Company
Provided a framework for all future enactments
relating to the governing of India.
The main defect of the Act was that the
Governor-General was made powerless
Because the council which was
given supreme power often created deadlocks by over-ruling his decision
However, many of these defects were rectified by the
Pitt’s India Act of 1784.
Expansionist Policy of Warren Hastings
Warren Hastings was known for
his expansionist policy. His administration witnessed the Rohilla War,
The First Anglo-Maratha War and
the Second Anglo-Mysore War.
The Rohilla War (1774)
Rohilkand was a small kingdom
situated in between Oudh and the Marathas.
Its ruler was Hafiz Rahmat Khan.
He concluded a defensive treaty
in 1772 with the Nawab of Oudh fearing an attack by the Marathas.
But no such attack took place.
But, the Nawab demanded money.
When Rahmat Khan evaded, the Nawab with the help of
the British invaded Rohilkand
Warren Hastings, who sent the
British troops against Rohilkand was severely criticised for his policy on
Rohilla affair
First Anglo-Maratha War
The Marathas were largely remained disunited since
the Third Battle of Panipat (1761).
The internal conflict among the Marathas was best utilized by the British in
their expansionist policy.
In 1775, there was a dispute for the post of
Peshwa between Madhav Rao and
his uncle Raghunatha Rao.
The British authorities in Bombay concluded the
Treaty of Surat with Raghunatha Rao
in March 1775.
Raghunatha Rao promised to cede Bassein and
Salsette to the British but later when he was unwilling to fulfil his promise, the British
captured them.
This action of the Bombay
Government was not approved by Warren Hastings. In 1776, Warren Hastings sent
Colonel Upton to settle the issue
7. He cancelled the Treaty of Surat and concluded the Treaty of Purander
with Nana Fadnavis, another Maratha leader
According to this treaty Madhava Rao II was
accepted as the new Peshwa and the
British retained Salsette along with a heavy war indemnity
However, the Home authorities
rejected the Treaty of Purander. Warren Hastings also considered the Treaty of
Purandar as a ‘scrap of paper’
In 1781, Warren Hastings
dispatched British troops under the command of Captain Popham. He defeated the
Maratha chief, Mahadaji Scindia, in a number of small battles and captured
11. Later in May 1782, the Treaty of Salbai was signed between Warren Hastings and
Mahadaji Scindia
Accordingly, Salsette and Bassein
were given to the British.
Raghunath Rao was pensioned off
and Madhav Rao II was accepted as the Peshwa.
The Treaty of Salbai established the British
influence in Indian politics.
15. It provided
the British twenty years of peace with the Marathas
The Treaty also enabled the
British to exert pressure on Mysore with the help of the Marathas in recovering
their territories from Haider Ali.
Thus, the British, on the one
hand, saved themselves from the combined opposition of Indian powers and on the
other, succeeded in dividing the Indian powers.
The Second Anglo-Mysore War
1. The first
Anglo-Mysore War took place in 1767-69.
Haider Ali emerged victorious against the British and at the end of the War
a defensive treaty
was concluded between Haider Ali and
the British.
After eleven years, the Second
Mysore War broke out
The main causes for the second Anglo-Mysore War
The British failed to fulfil the terms of the
defensive treaty with Haider when he
was attacked by the Marathas in 1771
There was an outbreak of
hostilities between the English and the
French (an ally of Haider) during the
American War of
The British captured Mahe, a French settlement
within Haider’s territories
Haider Ali formed a grand
alliance with the Nizam of Hyderabad and the Marathas against the British in
The War began when the British
led their forces through
Haider’s territory without his
permission to capture Guntur in the Northern Sarkars.
Haider Ali defeated Colonel
Baillie and captured Arcot in 1780.
In the next year, Warren
Hastings, by a clever stroke of diplomacy, divided the Confederacy.
He made peace with the Nizam,
won the friendship of Bhonsle and came to an understanding with the Scindia
(both Marathas)
Consequently, Haider was isolated
without any alliance.
He was defeated by Sir Eyre Coote at Porto Novo in
March 1781.
In December 1782, Haider died
of cancer at the age of sixty and his death was kept secret till his son Tipu
Sultan assumed power.
The Second Mysore War came to an end by the Treaty
of Mangalore in 1783.
Pitt’s India Act, 1784
The Regulating Act proved to be an unsatisfactory
document as it failed in its
In January 1784, Pitt the Younger (who became Prime Minister of England after the
General Elections) introduced the India Bill in the British Parliament.
It received royal assent in August 1784.
This was the famous Pitt’s India Act of 1784.
Main Provisions
A Board of Control consisting of six members was
created. They were appointed by the Crown
The Court of Directors was retained without any
alteration in its composition.
The Act also introduced significant changes
in the Indian administration. It reduced the number of the members of the Governor-General’s
Council from four to three including
the Commander-in-Chief.
The Court of Directors controlled its commercial
functions, whereas the Board of Control maintained its political affairs.
In fact, the Board represented
the King, and the Directors symbolised the Company.
The Impeachment of Warren Hastings
The Pitt’s India Act of 1784
was a rude shock and bitter disappointment for Warren Hastings.
His image and reputation were
tarnished in England. Therefore, he resigned and left India in June 1785
In 1787, Warren Hastings was
impeached in the Parliament by Edmund Burke and the Whigs for his
administrative excess.
Burke brought forward 22
charges against him
He received pension from the
Company and lived till 1818.
Estimate of Warren Hastings
He was a gifted personality
endowed with ‘strong will, great energy and resourcefulness’.
Since he considered Indian
culture as a basis for sound Indian administration, he patronised the learning
of Indian languages and arts.
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